Bus Stop Information for New Students
Letters sent by USPS & emails from North Tech will be sent out to Parents/Guardians approximately 7 to 10 days before school starts to let you know what your student's bus stop information will be. Please make sure your mailing address & email address is up to date with the North Tech Registrar, Mrs. Hanneken. You may call her @ 314-989-7661 or email at with any changes.
Bus Route/Late Bus Questions/Concerns
The North Garage (Student Transportation of America) should be notified at 314-989-7750 if you have any questions or concerns about a bus route or if a bus is late.
Bus Stop Arrival/Departure
Students should be at their bus stop at least 10 minutes before their scheduled bus pick up time. If a bus does not show up, students should wait at least 5 minutes after their scheduled bus stop pick up time and call the North Garage at 314-989-7750.
Bus Stop Change Request
A family or student may request a bus stop location change by using this form: North Tech - Bus Stop Location Change Request Form. Mrs. Wright will then forward your request to the SSD Routing Department. It is at the discretion of the SSD Routing Department whether or not your request will be granted. If your request is granted, it may take up to 5 business days to complete your request. A North Garage Staff Member will contact you with the updated Bus Stop location/time and when your student may start using the new bus stop location. You may also call Mrs. Wright @ 314-989-7602 or email Mrs. Wright to request a Bus stop change.
Change of Address
Bus Changes due to an address change have a 5 business day turnaround time. At the beginning of the school year and at the start of 2nd semester, changes may take more than the 5 business day turnaround time. Please call Mrs. Hanneken, North Tech Registrar, 314-989-7661 or you can use this Address Change Request form.
One Day Bus Changes
Families must give verbal or written permission to Mrs. Wright at 314-989-7602 before a student can ride an unassigned bus or get off at a different stop. Upon approval, the student will be given a Bus Permission Slip that must be shown to the bus driver before being allowed to board the bus. It is the student’s responsibility to get this permission form from Mrs. Wright in the main office.